Saturday, 2 April 2016

Photography- Animal

This is actually the same cat that was previously posted in a different pose as I was doing multiple shoots. A day in the life of a cat? Sleeping!

Friday, 1 April 2016

Fierce cat

Major Update
I would like to say that for some time, I would be posting mainly photography level snaps which I took randomly as I shoot for fun. Also yes, I'd love to share those with you, my viewers/readers/subscribers :) and passer by!
Stay inspired!

This picture was taken yesterday at Grand Bassin when I took multiple shoots of the same cat. It kind of look like the cat version of a tiger!

Why this blog?

This blog is to inspire students for their Art projects, just like me, few years back..Looking for inspiration (really hard sometimes) ...I had this idea in mind "So why not help others?". Here you go, it's been created and hoping it would help you..
Yeah, art lovers/amateurs/critics, you're most welcome to drop in and leave a comment.
Happy viewing, Nadia..