Monday, 8 February 2016

Sketchbook- Mindmapping & Visual analysis

A big hello to all my readers and followers :)
For this assignment, we had to create a sketchbook following the making of a 3D pull toy! (Ps: my first sketchbook lol)
I'll be posting part of it everyday until completion and more to come!

Stay tuned,

1. Define your criteria and do a mind mapping


Define criteria  

Mind mapping

2. Visual Analysis

Continue with visual analysis meaning studies of your chosen subject matter in depth and detail. (Mine was my goldfish)

My initial idea!

Observational study 1

Observational study 2

Detail study

close up detailing

closeup detailing

detail study

 I hope this helps anyone who has no clue as to how to start a sketchbook! (I was one of them lol).
Part 2 being the idea development will be posted soon.

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This blog is to inspire students for their Art projects, just like me, few years back..Looking for inspiration (really hard sometimes) ...I had this idea in mind "So why not help others?". Here you go, it's been created and hoping it would help you..
Yeah, art lovers/amateurs/critics, you're most welcome to drop in and leave a comment.
Happy viewing, Nadia..