Tuesday 22 December 2015

Architectural sketches

Going through selection, we had to choose 10 pictures with different viewpoints then sketch accordingly. It does have some errors as this was the first step towards the final drawings (previously posted) and manually done!

Sunday 20 December 2015

Architectural perspective

In addition to the one point and two point perspective drawings, I had to do a fish eye perspective and a transcription work whereby choosing an artist and using the same painting technique. The artist I chose for my transcription work was Raoul Dufy.

Trial and error using the fish eye technique. The error here is the straight up lines on the building when it should've been more of a roundish/ curvy shape.

The final fish eye perspective

Transcription work using the technique of Raoul Dufy. Note the very graphic aspect of it, that was how Dufy gave life to his paintings.

Saturday 19 December 2015


First time attempting architectural perspective with one point and two- point perspective

One point perspective

One point perspective

Two point perspective
Two point perspective

Wednesday 16 December 2015


A new addition to my blog features! Random nature photography:) This will consist of pictures I
snapped wherever I go, be it macro photography/ landscape/ seascape, anything!
Simply sharing how I view everything around me :)
Keep getting the views in for more!
Love, Nadia.

DIY wire tree

A diy wire tree from one of my 3d modelling graphic projects. 80 strands of bending wire each of 100cm or more (I forgot! lol)  have been manually twisted to achieve this!

Bas relief (paper)

This one also hails from my first few weeks at university, a bas relief using paper (180, 240gsm) that I used to replicate a picture I'd taken at Osterlog Valley! (a protected area with amazing nature)
The 3d effect can be seen on the second picture :)

Screen Printing

Hello :)
It's been a long time since I last posted something so here's this thing I tried on my very first few weeks at university, screen printing. My chosen theme was tribal and we were asked to produce patterns with objects! (dry branches, leaves, rock, pebble, seed anything!!)
Here's the end result!

Why this blog?

This blog is to inspire students for their Art projects, just like me, few years back..Looking for inspiration (really hard sometimes) ...I had this idea in mind "So why not help others?". Here you go, it's been created and hoping it would help you..
Yeah, art lovers/amateurs/critics, you're most welcome to drop in and leave a comment.
Happy viewing, Nadia..